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Current search: Mixed Choir → SATB (911 items found)
[Magnificat and] Nunc Dimittis — Child, William
[Magnificat and] Nunc Dimittis — Murrill, Herbert
A Babe is Born — Mathias, William
A Child Is Born — Nestor, Leo
A Fair and Delectable Place — Webster, Richard
A Hymn for St. Cecilia — Howells, Herbert
A Hymn of St. Columba — Britten, Benjamin Latin
A Litany — Walton, William
A Maiden Mild — Healey, Derek
A Maiden Most Gentle — Carter, Andrew
A New Commandment — Tallis, Thomas
A New Song — MacMillan, James
A Prayer of King Henry VI — Jackson, Gabriel Latin
A Song of Farewell: Rest In Peace — Schulz-Widmar, Russell
A Spotless Rose — Howells, Herbert
A Virgin Most Pure — Averitt, William
A Woman Caught in Adultery — Modarelli, Sebastian
Ab Oriente venerunt Magi — Handl, Jacob Latin
Ad te levavi — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Entrance Antiphon Latin
Ad te levavi oculos meos / Miserere nostri, Domine — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Adam Lay in Bondage — Susa, Conrad
Adam Lay Ybounden — Lockwood, Robert M.
Adoramus te, Christe — Gasparini, Quirino Latin
Adoramus te, Christe — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Adoramus te, Christe — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Adoro te devote — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
All Hail, Adored Trinity — Sowerby, Leo
Alleluia — Mollicone, Henry
Alleluia — Thompson, Randall
Alleluia Solemnelle — Gelineau, Attr. Joseph Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia! Christ Is Risen — Neswick, Bruce
Alleluia! Cognoverunt discipuli — Byrd, William Latin
Alleluia. I Heard a Voice — Mathias, William
Alleluja, Christus surrexit — Anerio, Felice Latin
Alma Redemptoris Mater — Benson, Robert Latin
Alma Redemptoris Mater — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Almighty and Everlasting God — Gibbons, Orlando
Almighty Lord and God of Love — Giles, Nathaniel
Alone Thou Goest Forth, O Lord — McCabe, Michael
An Easter Carol — Sanders, John
And He Shall Purify — Handel, George Frideric
And I Saw a New Heaven — Bainton, Edgar L.
And They Drew Nigh — DeLong, Richard
Angelis suis — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Angels, from the Realms of Glory — Archer, Malcolm
Angelus ad Virginem — Carter, Andrew Latin
Angelus autem Domini — Anerio, Felice Latin
Anima Christi — Fielding, Thomas Latin
Anima Christi — Powell, Robert J.
Anima Christi — Warren, K. Scott Latin
Announce the Gospel to All Creatures — Clark, Richard J.
Antiphon — Walton, William
Antiphons for the Washing of Feet — Luckner, Brian Propers Latin
Arise and Shine, Jerusalem — Nestor, Leo
Arise, Shine — Stanford, Charles Villiers
Arise, Shine, for Thy Light Has Come — Jennings, Kenneth
As Joseph Was A-walking — Pott, Francis
Author of Life Divine — Aston, Peter
Ave Christe, immolate — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Ave generosa — Gjeilo, Ola Latin
Ave Maria — Basler, Paul Latin
Ave Maria — Busto, Javier Latin
Ave Maria — Byrd, William Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Casali, Giovanni Battista Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Conte, David Latin
Ave Maria — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Ave Maria — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Ave Maria — Kingsley, Douglas J. Latin
Ave Maria — Mouton, Jean Latin
Ave Maria — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Ave Maria — Stravinsky, Igor Latin
Ave Maria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Ave Maria (I) — Dubra, Rihards Latin
Ave Maris Stella — Bardos, Lajos Latin
Ave Maris Stella — McDowall, Cecilia Latin
Ave Regina caelorum — Lehman, Robert W. Latin
Ave regina coelorum — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Ave Verum — Peeters, Flor Latin
Ave verum corpus — Byrd, William Latin
Ave verum corpus — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
Ave verum corpus — Elgar, Edward Latin
Ave verum corpus — Guilmant, Alexandre Latin
Ave verum corpus — Jackson, Francis Latin
Ave verum corpus — Mallory, Clark Latin
Ave verum corpus — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Ave verum corpus — Near, Gerald Latin
Ave verum corpus — Raminsh, Imant Latin
Ave verum corpus — Saint-Saëns, Camille Latin
Ave verum corpus — Villette, Pierre Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — French, Jessica Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Mathias, William Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — White, Nicholas Latin
Ave, dulcissima Maria — Wachner, Julian Latin
Awake, My Heart — Marshall, Jane
Be Known to Us — Powell, Robert J.
Be Merciful unto Me — Stanford, Charles Villiers
Be unto Me, O Lord — Byrd, William
Beati estis — Handl, Jacob Latin
Before the Paling of the Stars — McDowall, Cecilia
Behold a Star from Jacob Shining — Mendelssohn, Felix
Behold Now, Bless the Lord — Sharpe, Carlyle
Behold the Lamb of God — Handel, George Frideric
Behold the Lamb of God — Willan, Healey
Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Behold, O God our defender — Howells, Herbert
Behold, O God Our Defender — Scott, John
Behold, the Great Creator — Baldwin, Antony
Behold, the Tabernacle of God — Harris, William H. Offertory Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Behold, the Tabernacle of God — Powell, Robert J.
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Entrance Antiphon Latin
Blessed Are They Who Dwell in Your House — Clark, Richard J.
Blessed Be God Forever — Proulx, Richard
Blessed Be the Lord God — Amner, John
Breath of Christ — Clark, Richard J.
Breathe in Me, O Holy Spirit — Healey, Derek
Breathe one me, Breath of God — Wilby, Philip
Bring Us, O Lord God — Halley, Paul
But Thanks Be to God — Handel, George Frideric
Caligaverunt oculi me — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Call to Remembrance — Farrant, Richard
Cana's Guest — Allain, Richard
Canite tuba / Rorate coeli — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Cantate Domino — Anerio, Giovanni Francesco Latin
Cantate Domino — Croce, Giovanni Latin
Cantate Domino — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Cantate Domino — Schütz, Heinrich Latin
Cantate Domino á 4 — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Cantate Domino á 12 — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Canticle of Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer — Gouin, Normand Entrance Antiphon Spanish
Cantique de Jean Racine — Fauré, Gabriel French
Caro mea — Gabrieli, Andrea Latin
Choral Variations on Ah, Holy Jesus — Petrich, Roger
Chosen By God — Inwood, Paul
Chrism Mass — Twynham, Robert
Christ Became Obedient for Us unto Death — Woollen, Russell
Christ Hath a Garden — Near, Gerald
Christ lag in Todesbanden — Bach, Johann Sebastian German
Christ Our Passover — Goss, John
Christ the Lord, a Priest Forever — Clark, Richard J.
Christmas Cantata — Pinkham, Daniel Latin
Christmas Day — Holst, Gustav
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Anerio, Felice Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Casali, Giovanni Battista Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Robinson, McNeil Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Zuccari, Francesco Maria Latin
Christus Vincit — Baker, Martin Latin
Christus Vincit — Mawby, Colin
Christusgebet — Sanders, Bernard W. German
Come and Taste — Parker, Alice
Come Christians, Join to Sing — Englert, Eugene
Come Down, O Love Divine — Caracciolo, Stephen
Come Down, O Love Divine — Harris, William H.
Come Let’s Rejoice — Amner, John
Come, Holy Ghost — Ferris, William
Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire — Carter, Andrew
Come, Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs — DeLong, Richard
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life — Friedell, Harold W.
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life — Harris, William H.
Come, Risen Lord — Nestor, Leo
Come, Risen Lord — Sowerby, Leo
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, Come — Near, Gerald Propers
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus — Sateren, Leland B.
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People — Goudimel, Claude
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People — Stearns, Peter Pindar
Communion Antiphon - Diaconate Ordination — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Ash Wednesday — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Easter Sunday — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Immaculate Conception — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Mary, Mother of God — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Palm Sunday — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for Requiem Mass — Balistreri, Joseph Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ascension of the Lord — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Baptism of the Lord — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Epiphany of the Lord — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for The Nativity of the Lord Mass in the Night — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion antiphon for the Third Sunday in Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Advent Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Lenten Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Lenten Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Concertato on "Of the Father's Love Begotten" — Powell, Robert J.
Concertato on O God, Beyond All Praising — Proulx, Richard
Cor Jesu — Terry, Richard Runciman Latin
Cor mundum crea in me Deus — Helvey, Howard Latin
Corpora Sanctorum — Luckner, Brian Latin
Corpus Christi Carol — Proulx, Richard
Coventry Antiphon — Howells, Herbert
Coventry Carol — Baldwin, Antony
Coventry Carol — Herring, Darren
Cradle Song — Near, Gerald
Creator of the Stars of Night — Fielding, Thomas
Creator Spirit — Arnatt, Ronald
Crux fidelis — Anerio, Felice Latin
Crux fidelis — John IV, King of Portugal, [John] Latin
Crux fidelis — Roger-Ducasse, Jean-Jules Aimable Latin
Daniel 3 - Glory and Praise Forever — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
De profundis — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Dear Lord and Father — Parry, (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
Der englische Gruß — Brahms, Johannes German
Dextera Domini — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Dextera Domini — Zuccari, Francesco Maria Latin
Dic Nobis, Maria — Bassano, Giovanni Latin
Dies sanctificatus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Diffusa est gratia — Nanino, Giovanni Maria Latin
Dives and Lazarus — Carter, Andrew
Dixit Maria — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Do Not Be Afraid — Stopford, Philip W. J.
Domine Deus meus — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Domine, convertere — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Domine, non sum dignus — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Dominus dixit ad me — Luckner, Brian Latin
Dominus regnavit — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Dormi, Jesu — Rutter, John Latin
Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord — Thiman, Eric H.
Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether — Friedell, Harold W.
Drop, Drop, Slow Tears — Leighton, Kenneth
E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come — Manz, Paul
Earth, Strike Up Your Music — French, Jessica
Easter Anthem — Billings, William
Easter Light — McDowall, Cecilia
Easter Sequence (Choral Score) — Biery, James Propers
Eastertide Carol — Proulx, Richard
Ecce concipies — Handl, Jacob Latin
Ecce Quam Bonum — Proulx, Richard
Ecce quomodo moritur justus — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus — Niel, Thomas Latin
Ego sum panis vivus — Byrd, William Latin
Ego sum panis vivus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Ein Blümlein wenn’s die Sonne spüret — Berger, Jean German
Ein Kind ist uns geboren — Schütz, Heinrich German
Eloi, Eloi — French, Jessica
Entrance Antiphon - Diaconate Ordination — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon
Entrance Antiphon for All Souls' Day — Petrich, Roger Entrance Antiphon
Epiphany Alleluias — Weaver, John
Eram quasi agnus — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen — Bach, Johann Sebastian German
Eripe me — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Es ist ein Rot' entsprungen — Cashmore, Donald German
Estote fortes in bello — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Eternal Light — Marshall, Jane
Eternal Light — Sowerby, Leo
Evening Hymn — Gardiner, H. Balfour Latin
Ex Sion — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Exodus Canticle — Proulx, Richard Responsorial Psalm
Exsultate justi — Viadana, Lodovico da Latin
Exsultet — Thompson, J. Michael Propers
Exultate Deo — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Exultate Deo — Scarlatti, Alessandro Latin
Factus est Repente de Caelo Sonus — Nestor, Leo Communion Antiphon
Fair in Face — Willan, Healey
Faithful Vigil Ended — Nestor, Leo
Fanfare for Palm Sunday — Proulx, Richard Entrance Antiphon
Fantasia on Christmas Carols — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Father of All — Callahan, Charles
Father We Thank Thee (Rendez à Dieu) — Goudimel, Claude
Festal Gloria — Fellows, Donald Glory to God
Festival Jubilate — Pinkham, Daniel Latin
Festival Magnificat — Proulx, Richard
Festival Te Deum — Britten, Benjamin
Festive Alleluias — Rorem, Ned
Filius hominis (Communion Antiphon for the Ordination of Deacons) — Richardson, James Responsorial Psalm Propers
For God So Loved the World — Phillips, Craig
Gabriel's Message (The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came) — Grogan, Robert
Gaude Virgo Mater Christi — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Gaudent in Caelis — Marenzio, Luca Latin
Gift of Finest Wheat — Kreutz, Robert E.
Gifts of God — Petrich, Roger
Give Almes of Thy Goods — Tye, Christopher
Give Us the Wings of Faith — Bullock, Ernest
Gloria — Argento, Dominick Latin
Gloria in Excelsis Deo — Latona, Peter Glory to God Latin
Gloria Patri — Tallis, Thomas
Glorious and Powerful God — Stanford, Charles Villiers
Glorious Things Are Spoken — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Glory to the Father / Ehre Sei Dem Vater — Schütz, Heinrich
Go before Us, O Lord — Carter, Andrew
God Be in My Head — Carter, Andrew
God Be in My Head — Rutter, John
God is — Petrich, Roger
God Is Gone Up — Finzi, Gerald
God Is Gone Up with a Merry Noise — Howells, Herbert
God is Gone Up With a Shout — Willan, Healey
God Is My Strong Salvation — Stevens, Halsey
God so loved the world — Petrich, Roger
God So Loved the World — Moe, Daniel
God So Loved the World — Stainer, John
Greater Love Hath No Man — Ireland, John
Gustate et videte — Isaac, Heinrich Latin
Haec dies — Ett, Kaspar Latin
Haec dies [four part] — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Hallelujah — Handel, George Frideric
Happy and Blest Are They — Mendelssohn, Felix
Hear My Prayer — Batten, Adrian
Help Us, O Lord — Copland, Aaron
Here Is the Little Door — Howells, Herbert
Hic est vere martyr — de Vivanco, Sebastián Latin
Hic vir despiciens mundum — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Hide Not Thou Thy Face — Farrant, Richard
Hodie Christus natus est — Aichinger, Gregor Latin
Hodie Christus natus est — Marenzio, Luca Latin
Hodie Christus natus est — Nanino, Giovanni Maria Latin
Hodie Christus natus est — Poulenc, Francis Latin
Hodie Christus natus est — Smith, Richard A. Latin
Hodie, Christus Natus Est — Willan, Healey
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name — Luckner, Brian
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Choral Score) — Arnatt, Ronald
Holy is the True Light — Harris, William H.
Holy Is the True Light — Near, Gerald
Hosanna filio David — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Entrance Antiphon Latin
Hosanna to the Son of David — Gesius, Bartholomaeus Entrance Antiphon
Hosanna to the Son of David — Hutchings, Arthur Entrance Antiphon
How Beauteous Are Their Feet — Stanford, Charles Villiers
How Far Is It to Bethlehem — Paulus, Stephen
How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place — Brahms, Johannes
Humbly I Adore Thee — Dirksen, Richard Wayne
Hymn to Saint Peter — Britten, Benjamin Propers
Hymne á la Vierge — Villette, Pierre French
I am Alpha and Omega — Petrich, Roger
I Am the Good Shepherd — Nestor, Leo
I am the True Vine — Aston, Peter
I Am the True Vine — Pärt, Arvo
I Beheld Her, Beautiful as a Dove — Willan, Healey
I Heard a Voice — Tomkins, Thomas
I Heard a Voice from Heaven — Stanford, Charles Villiers
I Heard a Voice From Heaven — Morley, Thomas
I Know the Lord's Laid His Hands On Me — Kent, Richard
I Look from Afar — Foster, Thomas
I Look from Afar — Piccolo, Anthony
I Love the Lord — Conte, David
I Rejoice in the Lord — Biery, James
I Sat Down under His Shadow — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
I Saw Water — Latona, Peter Sprinkling Rite
I Sing of a Maiden — Susa, Conrad
I Was Glad — Ferko, Frank
I Will Give Thanks to you, O Lord — Ferko, Frank
I Will Not leave You Comfortless — Titcomb, Everett
I Will Not Leave You Comfortless — Joule, Anthony
I Will Sing Forever of Your Mercies, O Lord — Gouin, Normand Communion Antiphon
Ich weiß daß mein Erlöser lebt — Bach, Johann Michael German
If I Have Washed Your Feet — Luckner, Brian Propers
If We Believe That Jesus Died — Goss, John
If Ye Love Me — DeLong, Richard
If Ye Love Me — Ferko, Frank
If Ye Love Me — Tallis, Thomas
If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments — Shakarian, Roupen
Illumina Oculus Meos — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Illuminare, Jerusalem — Weir, Judith
In manus tuas — Sheppard, John Latin
In manus tuas — Tallis, Thomas Latin
In Memory of You — Peloquin, Alexander
In monte Oliveti — Ingegneri, Marco Antonio Latin
In My Father's House — Stopford, Philip W. J.
In Paradisum — Fissinger, Edwin Latin
In te speravi — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Offertory Antiphon
In te, Domine speravi — Savoy, Thomas F. Latin
In te, Domine, speravi — Schütz, Heinrich Latin
In the Bleak Midwinter — Darke, Harold
In the Father's Glory — Latona, Peter
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly — Hancock, Gerre
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly — Proulx, Richard
Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit — Ferko, Frank
Introit - Advent 3 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, Op. 69, no. 2 — Mendelssohn, Felix German
Jerusalem, Arise and Stand — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Jesu dulcis memoria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Jesu Dulcis Memoria — Kidd, Richard Latin
Jesu Dulcis Memoria — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Jesu, dulcis memoria — Giles, Randall Latin
Jesu, Dulcis Memoria — Villette, Pierre Latin
Jesu, Lover of My Soul — Stopford, Philip W. J.
Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
Jesu, the Very Thought of Thee — Proulx, Richard
Jesu! The Very Thought Is Sweet — Wood, Charles
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree — Mawby, Colin
Jesus, an dich glaube ich — Sanders, Bernard W. German
Jesus, I Adore Thee (Adoro te Devote) — Caracciolo, Stephen
Jesus, Remember Me — Nicholas, Palmer
Jesus, So Lowly — Friedell, Harold W.
Jesus, Sun of Life, My Splendor — Handel, George Frideric
John and Andrew — Modarelli, Sebastian
Joy to the World — Rutter, John
Jubilate Deo — Banchieri, Adriano Latin
Jubilate Deo — Hancock, Gerre
Jubilate Deo — Handl, Jacob Latin
Jubilate Deo — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Jubilate Deo (in C) — Britten, Benjamin
Jubilate Deo (in E-flat) — Britten, Benjamin
Jubilate Deo omnis terra — Peeters, Flor Latin
Judas — Modarelli, Sebastian
Justorum animae — Jackson, Gabriel Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Saint-Saëns, Camille Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Stanford, Charles Villiers Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justus germinabit — Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Latin
King of Glory — Howells, Herbert
King of Glory — Hurd, David
King of Glory — Ives, Grayston
King of Glory, King of Peace — Friedell, Harold W.
King of Glory, King of Peace — Thiman, Eric H.
Kyrie Eleison — Callahan, Charles Mass Ordinary
Laetabitur justus in Domino — Near, Gerald Latin
Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) — Nestor, Leo Lamb of God
Lass dich nur nichts nicht dauren — Brahms, Johannes German
Lass’ o Herr, mich Hülfe finden — Mendelssohn, Felix German
Lauda, anima mea — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Laudate Dominum — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Laudate Dominum — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Laudate Dominum, Omnes Gentes — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Laudate Nomen — Sharpe, Carlyle
Laudate Nomen Domini — Tye, Christopher
Lead Me, Lord — Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence — Gramann, Fred
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence — Holst, Gustav
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing — Argento, Dominick
Let Nothing Trouble You — Williams, Roderick
Let the People Praise Thee, O God — Mathias, William
Let This Mind Be in You — Beach, Mrs. H. H. A.
Let Thy Merciful Ears, O Lord — Mudd, Thomas
Libera me — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Mathias, William
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Nestor, Leo
Like as the Hart — Willan, Healey
Like as the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks — Howells, Herbert
Listen, Sweet Dove — Ives, Grayston
Lo, in the Time Appointed — Willan, Healey
Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming — Distler, Hugo
Lo! How a Rose, E'er Blooming — Saylor, Bruce
Locus iste — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Locus iste — O'Regan, Tarik Latin
Locus iste — Sitton, Michael Latin
Locus Iste — Stopford, Philip W. J. Latin
Look Up and Count the Stars — Latona, Peter
Loquebantur variis linguis — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Lord Jesus Christ Humbled Himself — Messaus, Guilliemus
Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake — Farrant, Richard
Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake — Uppercue, Kevin
Lord, Have Mercy — Nestor, Leo Penitential Act
Lord, Thou Hast Been Our Refuge — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
Lord, We Beseech Thee — Batten, Adrian
Los Improperios - Pueblo mio — Cerisier, Marc Propers Spanish
Love Bade Me Welcome — Hurd, David
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep — Ledger, Philip Communion Antiphon
Lully, Lulla, Lullay — Stopford, Philip W. J.
Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child — Leighton, Kenneth
Lumen Christi — Clark, Richard J.
Lux Aeterna — Fissinger, Edwin Latin
Lux Aeterna — Lauridsen, Morten Latin
Lux aurumque — Whitacre, Eric Latin
Magi Veniunt ab Oriente — Clemens non Papa, Jacobus Latin
Magnificat — Modarelli, Sebastian
Magnificat [and Nunc Dimittis] — Murrill, Herbert
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Collegium Regale) — Howells, Herbert
Make a Joyful Noise — Mathias, William
Mandatum — Latona, Peter Propers
Maria Magdalena — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Mary and John — Modarelli, Sebastian
Mary's Magnificat — Carter, Andrew
Mass in G — Schubert, Franz Mass Ordinary Latin
Mass of the Angels — Clark, Richard J. Mass Ordinary
Mater ora filium — Arnatt, Ronald
Mater Salutaris — Dalby, Martin
May Lion and Lamb — Owen, Harold
May We Abide in Union — Luckner, Brian
Mercy and Truth Are Met — Rorem, Ned
Mirabile mysterium — Handl, Jacob Latin
Miserere mei, Domine — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Missa Brevis — Petrich, Roger Mass Ordinary
Missa in honorem Sancti Josephi — Peeters, Flor Mass Ordinary Latin
Missa quarti toni — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Mass Ordinary Latin
Missa super “Dixit Maria” — Hassler, Hans Leo Mass Ordinary Latin
Missa Tertia — Bardos, Lajos Mass Ordinary Latin
More Lovely Than the Rose — Kreutz, Robert E.
Most Glorious Lord of Life — Harris, William H.
Music for Ordinations — Cerisier, Marc Propers Entrance Antiphon Offertory Antiphon
My Beloved Spake — Hadley, Patrick
My Dancing Day — Near, Gerald
My Eyes for Beauty Pine — Howells, Herbert
My God, Why Have You Abandoned Me? — Proulx, Richard Responsorial Psalm
My Lord Has Come — Todd, Will
My Shepherd is the Living Lord — Tomkins, Thomas
My Song Shall Be Alway of the Loving Kindness of the Lord — Near, Gerald
My Soul Is Exceeding Sorrowful — Daley, Eleanor
Ne timeas Maria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
No Sad Thought His Soul Affright — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Noël Nouvelet — Jackson, Francis French
Nolo mortem peccatoris — Morley, Thomas
Non moriar — Senfl, Ludwig Latin
Non nobis Domine — Haydn, Joseph Latin
Nos Autem — Desenclos, Alfred Latin
Nos autem gloriari — Anerio, Felice Entrance Antiphon Latin
Notre Père — Duruflé, Maurice French
Now Christ, Thou Sun of Righteousness — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours
Now Glad of Heart — Owens, Sam Batt
Now the Green Blade Riseth — Chilcott, Bob
Now the Green Blade Riseth — Simon, Lindley
Now There Lightens Upon Us — Sowerby, Leo
O bone Jesu — Ingegneri, Marco Antonio Latin
O Clap Your Hands — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
O Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord — Piccolo, Anthony
O Crux Spes unica — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
O Domine Jesu Christe — Aichinger, Gregor Latin
O Gladsome Light — Darke, Harold
O God Be Merciful unto Us — Tye, Christopher
O God, the King of Glory — Purcell, Henry
O God, Who by the Leading of a Star — Attwood, Thomas
O God, You Are My God (Psalm 63) — Marshall, Jane
O Holy Night — Luckner, Brian
O Holy Paradox of Love — Mawby, Colin
O How Amiable — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
O How Glorious is the Kingdom — Harwood, Basil
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful — Petrich, Roger
O Light of Light — White, David Ashley
O Little Town of Bethlehem — Biery, James
O Lord, Give Thy Holy Spirit — Tallis, Thomas
O Lord, Hear My Prayer — Cerisier, Marc Universal Prayer Spanish
O Lord, Increase My Faith — Gibbons, Orlando
O Lord, Increase Our Faith — Loosemore, Henry
O Lord, Support Us — Briggs, David
O Lord, Support Us — Busch, Richard
O Lux Beata — Todd, Will Latin
O lux beata Trinitas — Byrd, William Latin
O Lux Beatissima — Helvey, Howard Latin
O magnum mysterium — Kingsley, Douglas J. Latin
O magnum mysterium — Poulenc, Francis Latin
O magnum mysterium — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
O magnum mysterium — Villette, Pierre Latin
O Magnum Mysterium — Antognini, Ivo Latin
O magnum mysterium [misterium] — Byrd, William Latin
O nata lux — Gentilini, Cristian Latin
O nata lux — Lauridsen, Morten Latin
O nata lux de lumine — Angelini, Andrea Latin
O Nata Lux de Lumine — Guimont, Michel
O Praise the Lord — Batten, Adrian
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Nestor, Leo
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Tomkins, Thomas
O Quam Amabilis Es — Villette, Pierre Latin
O quam gloriosum — Marenzio, Luca Latin
O quam gloriosum — Vaet, Jacobus Latin
O quam gloriosum — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
O Quam Gloriosum — Helvey, Howard Latin
O quam suavis est — Byrd, William Latin
O Redeemer — Cerisier, Marc Propers
O Redeemer — Luckner, Brian Propers
O Rex gloriae — Marenzio, Luca Latin
O Rex gloriae — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
O Sacred Feast — Willan, Healey
O sacrum convivium — Byrd, William Latin
O sacrum convivium — Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Latin
O sacrum convivium — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
O sacrum convivium — Croce, Giovanni Latin
O sacrum convivium — Marenzio, Luca Latin
O sacrum convivium — Messiaen, Olivier Latin
O sacrum convivium — Near, Gerald Latin
O sacrum convivium — Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Latin
O sacrum convivium — Viadana, Lodovico da Latin
O sacrum convivium — White, David Ashley Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Biery, James Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Croce, Giovanni Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Helvey, Howard Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Petrich, Roger Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Sévérac, Déodat de Latin
O Salutaris — Villette, Pierre Latin
O Savior, Blessed Savior / Adoro Te Devote — Biery, James Latin
O Sing Joyfully — Batten, Adrian
O Sing unto the Lord a New Song — Aston, Peter
O Sons and Daughters — Proulx, Richard
O Sweet and Sacred Feast — McCabe, Michael
O Taste and See — Forster, Stuart
O Taste and See — Hastings, Thomas
O Taste and See — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
O Thou That Art the Light — Jackson, Gabriel
O Thou the Central Orb — Wood, Charles
O Trinity of Blessed Light — Stearns, Peter Pindar
O Trinity, Most Blessed Light — Turner, C. Kenneth
O vos omnes — Vallotti, Francesco Antonio Latin
O vos omnes — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
O Wondrous Type! — Petrich, Roger
O, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Howells, Herbert
Of a Rose, a Lovely Rose — DeLong, Richard
On Christmas Night (Sussex Carol) — Ledger, Philip
On Christmas Night (The Sussex Carol) — Near, Gerald
One Faith, One Hope, One Lord — Courtney, Craig
Open Thou Mine Eyes — Rutter, John
Os justi meditabitur sapientiam — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Osteroratorium — Bach, Johann Sebastian German
Out of the Depths (De Profundis) — Kyr, Robert
Out of Your Sleep — Bennett, Richard Rodney
Pange lingua — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
Pange Lingua — Gibson, Paul Propers Latin
Panis angelicus — Villette, Pierre Latin
Panis Angelicus — Franck, César Latin
Peace I Leave with You — Clausen, René
Peace Prayer of St. Francis — Latona, Peter
Peccantem me quotidie — Morales, Cristóbal de Latin
People, Look East — Caracciolo, Stephen
Praise God in His Holy Dwelling (Psalm 150) — Vermulst, Jan M.
Praise is Your Right, O God, In Zion — Goudimel, Claude
Praise the Lord — Handel, George Frideric
Praise the Lord, O My Soul! — Sharpe, Carlyle
Praise the Lord, Ye Servants — Blow, John
Praise to God in the Highest — Campbell, Sidney
Praise Ye the Lord, Ye Children — Tye, Christopher
Prayer of Saint Francis — French, Jessica
Prayer of the Venerable Bede — Proulx, Richard Latin
Prayer to Jesus — Oldroyd, George
Prepare the Way, O Zion — Lau, Robert
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Chrism Mass—Choral Setting — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Psalm 22 (Bilingual) — Modarelli, Sebastian Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 23 — Howells, Herbert
Psalm 23 — Rochberg, George
Psalm 24 - Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 31 - Father Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit — Pearson, Mario Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 31 - Padre, en tus manos encomiendo mi espíritu — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 34 - Taste and see the goodness of the Lord — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Communion Antiphon
Psalm 80 - The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 84 - Señor, dichosos los que viven en tu casa [Ordination] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 89 - Forever I Will Sing — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 89 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor [Chrism Mass] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 89 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor [Christmas Vigil] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 89 - The son of David will live for ever — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 91 - Be With Me Lord — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 96 - Go out to the world and teach all nations, alleluia [Bilingual] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 96 - Today Is Born Our Savior — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 98 (Bilingual) — Modarelli, Sebastian Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 100 — Nystedt, Knut
Psalm 100 - You are my friends, says the Lord — Richardson, James Responsorial Psalm Propers
Psalm 103 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso [OT 24A] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 103 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso [Sacred Heart] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 110 — DiCello, Anthony J.
Psalm 110 — Guerra, SJ, John Altazan Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 110 - You are a priest for ever — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 116 - Gracias, Señor, por tu sangre que nos lava — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 118 - This is the day — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 133 — Strimple, Nick
Psalm for Holy Thursday — Proulx, Richard Responsorial Psalm
Puer natus est nobis — Antognini, Ivo Entrance Antiphon Latin
Quam Dilecta Tabernacula tua — Widor, Charles-Marie Latin
Quando corpus morietur — Rossini, Gioacchino Latin
Quem Pastores Laudavere — Bassi, James
Quem vidistis pastores — Poulenc, Francis Latin
Qui manducat carnem meam — Isaac, Heinrich Latin
Regina caeli — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Regina caeli — McDowall, Cecilia Latin
Regina Caeli Laetare — Lotti, Antonio
Regina coeli — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Regina Coeli — Aichinger, Gregor Latin
Regina coeli [caeli] — Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio Latin
Rejoice in the Lord Alway — Anonymous
Rejoice in the Lord Alway (The Bell Anthem) — Purcell, Henry
Rejoice, O Land — Healey, Derek
Requiem — Duruflé, Maurice Propers Latin
Resonet in laudibus — Handl, Jacob Latin
Responsorial Psalm for Christ the King, Cycle C — Luckner, Brian Responsorial Psalm
Responsorial Psalm for Pentecost: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit — Fielding, Thomas Responsorial Psalm
Responsorial Psalm for The Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church — Luckner, Brian Responsorial Psalm
Richard de Castre’s Prayer to Jesus — Terry, Richard Runciman
Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One — Willan, Healey
Rorate caeli desuper — Nestor, Leo Latin
Rorate Coeli — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Sacerdotes Domini — Byrd, William Latin
Salus aeterna — Jackson, Gabriel Latin
Salvator mundi — Giles, Randall Latin
Salvator mundi salva nos omnes — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Salve Regina — Desenclos, Alfred Latin
Salve Regina — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Salve Regina — Lotti, Antonio Latin
Salve Regina — Mathias, William Latin
Salve Regina — Proulx, Richard Latin
Salve Regina — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Sancta Trinitas — Fevin, Antoine de
Sans Day Carol — Caracciolo, Stephen
Savior of the Nations, Come — Near, Gerald
Say to the Faint of Heart — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
See What love — Mendelssohn, Felix
Servants of God, Bless the Lord / Priests of God, Bless the Lord — Latona, Peter Entrance Antiphon
Set Me As a Seal — Clausen, René
Set Me as a Seal upon Thine Heart — Walton, William
Seven Unaccompanied Responsorial Psalms for the Easter Vigil — Luckner, Brian Responsorial Psalm
Sicut cervus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Sicut Cervus Desiderat / Sitivit Anima Mea — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Silent Night — Nestor, Leo
Silent Night - Noche de Paz — Cerisier, Marc Spanish
Simile est regnum caelorum [4 voice parts] — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Simon, Son of John, Do You Love Me? — Nestor, Leo
Sing Lullaby — Howells, Herbert
Sing Praises, Ye Faithful / Erschallet, ihr Lieder — Bach, Johann Sebastian German
Sing We Merrily Unto God Our Strength — Campbell, Sidney
Sing Ye Praises to Our King — Copland, Aaron
Sing Ye to the Lord — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love — Rorem, Ned
Solus ad Victimam — Leighton, Kenneth
Songs of Farewell — Parry, (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
Soul of Christ — Massey, Lance
Spiritus Domini — Near, Gerald Latin
Spotless Rose — Gjeilo, Ola
St. John Passion — Petrich, Roger
St. Mark Passion — Petrich, Roger
Stay with Us — Hovland, Egil
Stetit Iesus — Handl, Jacob Latin
Still, still, still — Willberg, Mack
Stille Nacht — Nixon, June German
Strengthen for Service — French, Jessica
Strengthen for Service — Nestor, Leo
Strengthen for Service, Lord — Arnatt, Ronald
Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted — Fielding, Thomas
Super flumina Babylonis — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Super flumina Babylonis — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Surge illuminare — Byrd, William Latin
Susanni — Bennett, Richard Rodney
Sweet Was the Song — Bennett, Richard Rodney
Take Him, Earth, For Cherishing — Howells, Herbert
Tanquam [Tamquam] ad latronem — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Tantum ergo — Duruflé, Maurice Latin
Tantum Ergo — French, Jessica Latin
Tantum Ergo — Laloux, Fernand Latin
Tantum Ergo — Sévérac, Déodat de Latin
Tantum Ergo — Vierne, Louis Latin
Te Deum — Haydn, Joseph Latin
Te Deum (in C) — Britten, Benjamin
Te Deum and Jubilate (Collegium Regale) — Howells, Herbert
Te Deum in D — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Te Deum laudamus — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Te, Pater Ioseph, opifex colende — Luckner, Brian Latin
Teach Me, O Lord — Attwood, Thomas
Tenebrae factae sunt — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Tenebrae factae sunt — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Tenebrae factae sunt — Ingegneri, Marco Antonio Latin
Tenebrae factae sunt — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Terra tremuit — Eberlin, Johann Ernst Offertory Antiphon Latin
That Virgin’s Child — Tallis, Thomas
That Younge Child — Bennett, Richard Rodney
The Accusers — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Altar — Sitton, Michael
The Altar — White, Nicholas
The Baptism of Christ (Jesus autem hodie) — Hallock, Peter R.
The Beatitudes — Biery, James
The Beatitudes — Hirten, John Karl
The Beatitudes — Liszt, Franz Latin
The Beatitudes — Stopford, Philip W. J.
The Best of Rooms — Near, Gerald
The Best of Rooms — Thompson, Randall
The Blessed Son of God — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
The Blessing of the Trinity — Marshall, Jane
The Call of Wisdom — Todd, Will
The Christ-child — Jackson, Gabriel
The Christ-child Lay on Mary's Lap — Mawby, Colin
The Coventry Carol — Ferris, William
The Eyes of All — White, David Ashley
The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee — Berger, Jean
The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee, O Lord — Harris, William H.
The Good Shepherd — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Hand of the Lord (Ecce Panis Angelorum) — Currie, Randolph Latin
The High Priestly Prayer — Modarelli, Sebastian
The King of Blis — Rutter, John
The King of Love My Shepherd Is — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
The King of Love My Shepherd Is — McCarthy, Michael
The Lamb — Tavener, John
The Lamb — White, David Ashley
The Lord Hath Been Mindful — Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
The Lord is My Light — Hallock, Peter R.
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Berkeley, Lennox
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Rutter, John
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Stanford, Charles Villiers
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Thompson, Randall
The Lord Will Bestow His Bounty — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
The Lord Will Reign For Ever (Choral Score) — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
The Magi's Dream — Whitbourn, James
The Man Born Blind — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Morning Star — Carter, Andrew
The Old Hundreth Psalm Tune — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
The Peace of Christ — Biery, James
The Peace Which Passeth Understanding — Hopkins, James F.
The Presentation — Pinkham, Daniel
The Saints of God — Bassi, James
The Spirit of the Lord — Cabena, Barrie
The Spirit of the Lord — Elgar, Edward
The Spirit of the Lord — Siegfried, Kevin
The Spirit of the Lord — Stopford, Philip W. J.
The strife is o'er — Ley, Henry
The True Glory — Aston, Peter
The Waters of Life — Biery, James
The White Dove — Healey, Derek
There is a Land of Pure Delight — Ives, Grayston
There is No Rose — Bennett, Richard Rodney
There is No Rose — Helvey, Howard
There is No Rose — Stopford, Philip W. J.
There Is No Rose — Siegfried, Kevin
There is No Rose of Such Virtue — Caracciolo, Stephen
There Is No Rose of Such Virtue — Joubert, John
There Is No Rose of Such Virtue — Sametz, Steven
This is my commandment — Cerisier, Marc
This Is My Commandment — Tallis, Thomas
This Is My Son — Gramann, Fred
This Is the Day — Anonymous
This Joyful Eastertide — Harris, William H.
This Joyful Eastertide — Ledger, Philip
Thou Hast Turned My Laments into Dancing — Pinkham, Daniel
Thou Must Leave Thy Lowly Dwelling — Berlioz, Hector
Thou Visitest the Earth — Greene, Maurice
Thou, O God, Art Praised in Sion — Boyle, Malcolm
Though We Are Many, In Christ We Are One — Proulx, Richard
Three Entrance Antiphons for the Celebration of Marriage — Clark, Richard J. Entrance Antiphon
To Serve — Hancock, Gerre
To the Divine Trinity — Sitton, Michael
Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day — Shephard, Richard
Tota Pulchra es — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Tota Pulchra es, Maria — Nestor, Leo Latin
Transeamus Usque Bethlehem — Schnabel, Joseph Ignaz Latin
Tribulationes — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Tribus Miraculis — Marenzio, Luca Latin
Trinity — Gramann, Fred
Tristis est anima mea — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Tristis est anima mea — Ingegneri, Marco Antonio Latin
Tristis est anima mea — Poulenc, Francis Latin
Tu es Petrus — Duruflé, Maurice Latin
Tu es Petrus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Tu pauperum refugium — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Tu solus, qui facis mirabilia — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Turn Thy Face from My Sins — Attwood, Thomas
Turn Thy Face from My Sins — Sullivan, Arthur
Turn Us Again, O Lord God of Hosts — Hallock, Peter R.
Two Carols — Near, Gerald
Two Hymns in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament — Conte, David Latin
Ubi caritas — Biery, James Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Conte, David Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Duruflé, Maurice Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Gjeilo, Ola Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Langlais, Jean Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Mealor, Paul Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Raminsh, Imant Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas et amor — Lauridsen, Morten Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas et amor Deus ibi est — Pott, Francis Offertory Antiphon Latin
Veni Creator — Busch, Richard Latin
Veni Sancte Spiritus — Gibson, Paul Propers
Veni Sancte Spiritus — Rutter, John Propers
Veni Sancte Spiritus, KV 47 — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Veni, Creator Spiritus — Lehotka, Gábor Latin
Veni, Sancte Spiritus — Proulx, Richard Propers
Verbum Caro factum est — Anonymous Latin
Verbum Caro Factum Est — Halley, Paul Latin
Verbum supernum, prodiens — Willcocks, David
Vere languores nostros — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Verily, Verily, I Say unto You — Tallis, Thomas
Verleih Uns Frieden — Mendelssohn, Felix German
Very Bread — Currie, Randolph
Vexilla regis [prodeunt] — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Via Crucis — Liszt, Franz German Latin
Videntes stellam — Poulenc, Francis Latin
Virga Jesse floruit — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Virgin Great and Glorious — Nestor, Leo
Wash Me Throughly from My Wickedness — Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
Wassail Carol — Mathias, William
We Three Kings — Cerisier, Marc
Welcome All Wonders — Luckner, Brian
Were You There? — Chilcott, Bob
What is this Lovely Fragrance? — Willan, Healey
What Sweeter Music — Rutter, John
What Wondrous Love — Halley, Paul
When the Lord Turned Again — Batten, Adrian
Whoever Serves Me — Clark, Richard J.
With a Voice of Singing — Shaw, Martin
Worthy Is the Lamb — Handel, George Frideric
Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem — Shephard, Richard
Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem — Stanford, Charles Villiers
You Are My Friends — Clark, Richard J.
You are my friends, says the Lord - Psalm 100 — Cerisier, Marc Propers