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Current search: Cycle A (539 items found)
Liturgy of the Word
Common Psalm - Lord, you have the words of everlasting life - Psalm 19 — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Daniel 3 - Bendito seas, Señor, para siempre — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Daniel 3 - Glory and Praise Forever — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Five Psalms for the Communion Procession — Luckner, Brian Responsorial Psalm Communion Antiphon
O Come, Let Us Sing Unto the Lord — Mawby, Colin Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 16 - Enséñanos, Señor, el camino de la vida. Aleluya. — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 18 - Tu, Señor, eres mi refugio — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 23 - El Señor es mi pastor, nade me faltará — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 23 - El Señor es mi pastor, nade me faltará [CTK] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 23 - El Señor es mi pastor, nade me faltará. Aleluya. — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 23 - Habitaré en la casa del Señor toda la vida — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 24 - Ya llega el Señor, el rey de la gloria — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 25 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos [First Version] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 25 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos [Second Version] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 27 - El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 27 - El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación. Aleluya. — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 27 - The Lord is My Light — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 31 - Sé tú, Señor, mi fortaleza y mi refugio — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 33 - El Señor cuida de aquellos que lo temen — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 33 - Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 40 - Aquí estoy, Señor, para hacer tu voluntad — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 47 - Entre voces de júbilo, Dios asciende a su trono — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 50 - Dios salva al que cumple su voluntad — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 51 - Misericordia, Señor, hemos pecado — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 62 - Sólo en Dios he puesto mi confianza — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 63 - My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 63 - Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 63 - Señor, mi alma tiene sed de ti [OT 32a] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 65 - Señor, danos siempre de tu agua — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 66 - Los obras del Señor son admirables — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 67 - Que te alaben. Señor, todos los pueblos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 69 - Escúchame, Señor. Porque eres bueno — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 72 - Ven, Señor, rey de justicia y de paz — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 80 - La viña del Señor es la casa de Israel — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 80 - The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 85 - Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 86 - Tú, Señor, eres bueno y clemente — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 89 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 95 - Señor, que no seamos sordos a tu voz — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 96 - Cantemos la grandeza del Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 100 - El Señor es nuestro Dios y nosotros su pueblo — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 103 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso [OT 7ac/8b] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 103 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso [OT 24A] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 103 - El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso [Sacred Heart] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 112 - El justo brilla como una luz en las tinieblas — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 118 - La misericordia del Señor es eterna — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 119 - Dichoso el que cumple la voluntad del Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 119 - Yo amo, Señor, tus mandamientos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 122 - Vayamos con alegría al encuentro del Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 128 - Dichoso el que teme al Señor [OT 33a] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 130 - Perdónanos, Señor, y viviremos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 131 - Señor, consérvame en tu paz — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 138 - Señor, tu amor perdura eternamente — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 145 - Abres, Señor, tu mano y nos sacias de favores — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 145 - Acuérdate, Señor, de tu misericordia — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 145 - Bendeciré al Señor eternamente [OT 25a] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 146 - Dichosos los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 146 - Ven, Señor, a salvarnos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 147 - Bendito sea, Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Easter Gospel Acclamation — Luckner, Brian Gospel Acclamation
Hymn to Saint Peter — Britten, Benjamin Propers
Ad te levavi — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Entrance Antiphon Latin
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas — Agazzari, Agostino Entrance Antiphon Latin
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Entrance Antiphon Latin
Canticle of Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer — Gouin, Normand Entrance Antiphon Spanish
Entrance and Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent (HR Propers) — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Entrance and Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday in Lent (HR Propers) — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Entrance and Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Lent (HR Propers) — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Entrance and Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday in Lent (HR Propers) — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Entrance and Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday in Lent (HR Propers) — Cerisier, Marc Entrance Antiphon Communion Antiphon
Introit - Advent 2 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Advent 3 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Advent 4 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Ascension of the Lord — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Most Holy Trinity — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Rorate Coeli — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Entrance Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Byrd, William Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Casali, Giovanni Battista Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Parsons, Robert Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Byrd, William Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Jackson, Gabriel Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Saint-Saëns, Camille Offertory Antiphon Latin
Justorum animae — Stanford, Charles Villiers Offertory Antiphon Latin
Laudate Dominum — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Offertory Antiphon Latin
Meditabor — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Offertory Antiphon Latin
Scapulis suis — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ubi caritas — Biery, James Offertory Antiphon Latin
Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ascension of the Lord — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ninteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion antiphon for the Third Sunday in Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Easter — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Lent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for Advent (Cathedral Gradual) — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for Lent (Cathedral Gradual) — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Lenten Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Ecce virgo concipiet — Byrd, William Communion Antiphon Latin
Jerusalem, Arise and Stand — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep — Ledger, Philip Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for The Ascension of the Lord At the Mass during the Day — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for The Ascension of the Lord At the Vigil Mass — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fifth Sunday of Lent Cycle A — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Lent Option A — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Lent Option B — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Lent Cycle A — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for The Most Holy Trinity — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy) — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Lent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Seventh Sunday of Easter — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Sixth Sunday of Easter — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Easter [Years ABC] — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Lent Cycle A — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Say to the Faint of Heart — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
The Lord Will Bestow His Bounty — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
The Lord Will Reign For Ever (Choral Score) — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Ordinary of the Mass
Springs of Water — Fellows, Donald Sprinkling Rite
Adoro te devote — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
Ave verum corpus — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
O sacrum convivium — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
Pange lingua — Clark, Richard J. Liturgy of the Hours Latin
Rhapsody of Praise for Organ based on the Gregorian Chant 'Te Deum' — Hytrek OSF, Sr. Theophane Liturgy of the Hours
A Hymn to the Virgin — Britten, Benjamin
A Maiden Mild — Healey, Derek
Abendlied, Op. 69, No. 3 — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel German
Adoro te devote — Mawby, Colin Latin
All Hail, Adored Trinity — Sowerby, Leo
Alleluia! Cognoverunt discipuli — Byrd, William Latin
Alleluja, Christus surrexit — Anerio, Felice Latin
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt — Schütz, Heinrich German
And They Drew Nigh — DeLong, Richard
Antiphon — Walton, William
Ascendens Christus in altum — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Ascendit Deus — Handl, Jacob Latin
Ascendit Deus — Philips, Peter Latin
Ascendo ad patrem meum — Handl, Jacob Latin
Author of Life Divine — Aston, Peter
Ave generosa — Gjeilo, Ola Latin
Ave Maria — Basler, Paul Latin
Ave Maria — Brahms, Johannes Latin
Ave Maria — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Ave Maria — Conte, David Latin
Ave Maria — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Ave Maria — Jacobs, Anna Latin
Ave Maria — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Ave Maria — Kingsley, Douglas J. Latin
Ave Maria — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Ave Maria — McDowall, Cecilia Latin
Ave Maria — Mendelssohn, Felix Latin
Ave Maria — Mouton, Jean Latin
Ave Maria — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Ave Maria — Vergin, John Latin
Ave Maria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Ave Verum — Peeters, Flor Latin
Ave verum corpus — Byrd, William Latin
Ave verum corpus — Elgar, Edward Latin
Ave verum corpus — Fauré, Gabriel Latin
Ave verum corpus — Guilmant, Alexandre Latin
Ave verum corpus — Jackson, Francis Latin
Ave verum corpus — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Ave verum corpus — Mallory, Clark Latin
Ave verum corpus — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Ave verum corpus — Near, Gerald Latin
Ave verum corpus — Raminsh, Imant Latin
Ave verum corpus — Saint-Saëns, Camille Latin
Ave verum corpus — Villette, Pierre Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — French, Jessica Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Mathias, William Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Mawby, Colin Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Near, Gerald Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — White, Nicholas Latin
Ave Verum Corpus — Wills, Arthur Latin
Ave, dulcissima Maria — Wachner, Julian Latin
Be Known to Us — Powell, Robert J.
Beati estis — Handl, Jacob Latin
Beati quorum via — Stanford, Charles Villiers Latin
Behold the Lamb of God — Handel, George Frideric
Behold the Lamb of God — Willan, Healey
Blessed Be the Lord God — Amner, John
Bogoroditse devo — Rachmaninoff, Sergei Church Slavonic
Canite Tuba — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Canite tuba / Rorate coeli — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Cantate Domino — Croce, Giovanni Latin
Cantate Domino — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Cantate Domino á 4 — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Caro mea — Gabrieli, Andrea Latin
Christ Became Obedient for Us unto Death — Woollen, Russell
Christ Our Passover — Goss, John
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Anerio, Felice Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Casali, Giovanni Battista Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Robinson, McNeil Latin
Christus factus est [pro nobis obediens] — Zuccari, Francesco Maria Latin
Christus resurgens — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Christus Vincit — Mawby, Colin
Coelos ascendit hodie — Stanford, Charles Villiers Latin
Come Christians, Join to Sing — Englert, Eugene
Come Down, O Love Divine — Caracciolo, Stephen
Come Let’s Rejoice — Amner, John
Come, Risen Lord — Nestor, Leo
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger
Cor Jesu — Terry, Richard Runciman Latin
Cor mundum crea in me Deus — Helvey, Howard Latin
Corpus Christi Carol — Proulx, Richard
De profundis — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Deutsches Magnificat: Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn — Schütz, Heinrich German
Dixit Maria — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Domine Deus meus — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
Dominus regnavit — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord — Thiman, Eric H.
Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether — Friedell, Harold W.
Duo Seraphim clamabant — Scheidt, Samuel Latin
E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come — Manz, Paul
Easter Morning — Buck, Dudley
Ecce concipies — Handl, Jacob Latin
Ecce Vicit Leo — Philips, Peter
Ego sum panis vivus — Byrd, William Latin
Ego sum panis vivus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Eucharist — Petrich, Roger
Ex Sion — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Exsultate justi — Viadana, Lodovico da Latin
Father We Thank Thee (Rendez à Dieu) — Goudimel, Claude
Festival Magnificat — Proulx, Richard
Festival Te Deum — Britten, Benjamin
For God So Loved the World — Phillips, Craig
Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive — Monachino, Paul
Gabriel's Message (The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came) — Grogan, Robert
Gaude Virgo Mater Christi — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Gloria Deo Per Immensa Saecula — Willan, Healey
Gloria Patri — Tallis, Thomas
Glory to the Father / Ehre Sei Dem Vater — Schütz, Heinrich
Go before Us, O Lord — Carter, Andrew
God Be in My Head — Rutter, John
God Is Gone Up — Finzi, Gerald
God Is Gone Up with a Merry Noise — Croft, William
God Is Gone Up with a Merry Noise — Howells, Herbert
God is Gone Up With a Shout — Willan, Healey
God So Loved the World — Goemanne, Noël
God So Loved the World — Moe, Daniel
God So Loved the World — Stainer, John
Greater Love Hath No Man — Ireland, John
Gustate et videte — Isaac, Heinrich Latin
Hail Mary — Ferris, William
Hail, Gladdening Light — Wood, Charles
Happy and Blest Are They — Mendelssohn, Felix
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name — Luckner, Brian
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Choral Score) — Arnatt, Ronald
Holy Is the True Light — Near, Gerald
How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place — Brahms, Johannes
Humbly I Adore Thee — Dirksen, Richard Wayne
I am Alpha and Omega — Petrich, Roger
I Am the Good Shepherd — Nestor, Leo
I Heard a Voice — Tomkins, Thomas
I Heard a Voice from Heaven — Stanford, Charles Villiers
I Sat Down under His Shadow — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
I Sing of a Maiden — Susa, Conrad
I Was Glad — Ferko, Frank
I Was Glad — Purcell, Henry
I Was Glad When They Said unto Me — Parry, (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
I Will Not leave You Comfortless — Titcomb, Everett
I Will Not Leave You Comfortless — Byrd, William
I Will Not Leave You Comfortless — Joule, Anthony
If Ye Love Me — DeLong, Richard
If Ye Love Me — Ferko, Frank
If Ye Love Me — Tallis, Thomas
If Ye Love Me — Wilby, Philip
If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments — Shakarian, Roupen
Illumina Oculus Meos — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
In memoria aeterna — Stanford, Charles Villiers Latin
In Memory of You — Peloquin, Alexander
In My Father's House — Stopford, Philip W. J.
In the Father's Glory — Latona, Peter
Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit — Ferko, Frank
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, Op. 69, no. 2 — Mendelssohn, Felix German
Jerusalem gaude — Handl, Jacob Latin
Jesu Dulcis Memoria — Kidd, Richard Latin
Jesu Rex Admirabilis — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Jesus, I Adore Thee (Adoro te Devote) — Caracciolo, Stephen
Jubilate Deo — Walton, William
Jubilate Deo omnis terra — Peeters, Flor Latin
King of Glory — Howells, Herbert
King of Glory — Hurd, David
King of Glory — Ives, Grayston
King of Glory, King of Peace — Friedell, Harold W.
King of Glory, King of Peace — Scott, K. Lee
King of Glory, King of Peace — Thiman, Eric H.
Laetentur caeli — Byrd, William Latin
Lauda, anima mea — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Laudibus in Sanctis Dominum — Byrd, William Latin
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence — Bairstow, Edward Cuthbert
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence — Gramann, Fred
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing — Argento, Dominick
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing — Lang, C. S.
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing — Leighton, Kenneth
Let the People Praise Thee, O God — Mathias, William
Libera Nos, Salva Nos — Sheppard, John Latin
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Amner, John
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Mathias, William
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Nestor, Leo
Like as the Hart — Willan, Healey
Like as the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks — Howells, Herbert
Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming — Distler, Hugo
Loving Shepherd — Chilcott, Bob
Lux aeterna — Kyr, Robert Latin
Magnificat — Buxtehude, Dietrich
Magnificat — Clausen, René
Magnificat [and Nunc Dimittis] — Child, William
Magnificat [and Nunc Dimittis] — Murrill, Herbert
Make a Joyful Noise — Mathias, William
Make Strong for Service — Cherubini, Luigi
May Lion and Lamb — Owen, Harold
May We Abide in Union — Luckner, Brian
Miserere — Allegri, Gregorio Latin
Miserere Mei, Deus (Psalm 51) — Hurd, David
Miserere mei, Domine — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
My Shepherd is the Living Lord — Tomkins, Thomas
Nolo mortem peccatoris — Morley, Thomas
Non vos relinquam orphanos — Byrd, William Latin
Non Vos Relinquam Orphanos — Donati, Ignazio
Now the Green Blade Riseth — Chilcott, Bob
O beata et gloriosa Trinitas — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
O Clap Your Hands — Gibbons, Orlando
O Clap Your Hands — Vaughan Williams, Ralph
O Come Now Holy Spirit — Amner, John
O God, the King of Glory — Purcell, Henry
O God, You Are My God (Psalm 63) — Marshall, Jane
O Holy Spirit / Veni Creator Spiritus — Binchois, Gilles
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful — Petrich, Roger
O Light of Light — White, David Ashley
O Lord, Increase My Faith — Gibbons, Orlando
O Lord, Increase Our Faith — Loosemore, Henry
O Lord, Support Us — Busch, Richard
O Lux Beata — Todd, Will Latin
O lux beata Trinitas — Byrd, William Latin
O nata lux — Clausen, René Latin
O nata lux — Gentilini, Cristian Latin
O nata lux — Lauridsen, Morten Latin
O nata lux de lumine — Angelini, Andrea Latin
O nata lux de lumine — Tallis, Thomas Latin
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Nestor, Leo
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Tomkins, Thomas
O quam suavis est — Byrd, William Latin
O Rex gloriae — Marenzio, Luca Latin
O Rex gloriae — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
O Sacred Feast — Willan, Healey
O sacrum convivium — Byrd, William Latin
O sacrum convivium — Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Latin
O sacrum convivium — Croce, Giovanni Latin
O sacrum convivium — Jackson, Gabriel Latin
O sacrum convivium — Marenzio, Luca Latin
O sacrum convivium — Messiaen, Olivier Latin
O sacrum convivium — Near, Gerald Latin
O sacrum convivium — Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Latin
O sacrum convivium — Tallis, Thomas Latin
O sacrum convivium — Viadana, Lodovico da Latin
O sacrum convivium — White, David Ashley Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Biery, James Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Croce, Giovanni Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Helvey, Howard Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Parker, Robert W. Latin
O Sacrum Convivium — Sévérac, Déodat de Latin
O Salutaris Hostia — Esenvalds, Eriks Latin
O Savior, Blessed Savior / Adoro Te Devote — Biery, James Latin
O Sing unto the Lord a New Song — Aston, Peter
O Sons and Daughters — Proulx, Richard
O Sweet and Sacred Feast — McCabe, Michael
O Taste and See — Hastings, Thomas
O Thou That Art the Light — Jackson, Gabriel
O Trinity of Blessed Light — Stearns, Peter Pindar
O Trinity, Most Blessed Light — Turner, C. Kenneth
O Wondrous Type! — Petrich, Roger
O, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Howells, Herbert
One Fold, One Shepherd — Woollen, Russell
Os justi meditabitur sapientiam — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Out of the Depths (De Profundis) — Kyr, Robert
Panis angelicus — Villette, Pierre Latin
Praise is Your Right, O God, In Zion — Goudimel, Claude
Prepare the Way, O Zion — Lau, Robert
Priidite, poklonimsia — Rachmaninoff, Sergei Church Slavonic
Psalm 23 — Howells, Herbert
Psalm 23 — Rochberg, George
Quando corpus morietur — Rossini, Gioacchino Latin
Qui manducat carnem meam — Isaac, Heinrich Latin
Rorate caeli — Mawby, Colin Latin
Rorate Caeli — Handl, Jacob Latin
Rorate caeli desuper — Byrd, William Latin
Rorate caeli desuper — Nestor, Leo Latin
Rorate Coeli — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Sacerdotes Domini — Byrd, William Latin
Sancta Trinitas — Fevin, Antoine de
Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz — Brahms, Johannes German
Seek to Serve — Pfautsch, Lloyd
Sicut cervus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Simile est regnum caelorum [4 voice parts] — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Simile est regnum caelorum [5 voice parts] — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Sing Ye Praises to Our King — Copland, Aaron
Song for Athene (Alleluia. May Flights of Angels) — Tavener, John
Songs of Farewell — Parry, (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
Sophonia — Hytrek OSF, Sr. Theophane
Soul of Christ — Massey, Lance
Stay with Us — Hovland, Egil
Stetit Iesus — Handl, Jacob Latin
Surgens Jesus — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Surgens Jesus — Philips, Peter Latin
Surrexit pastor bonus — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Surrexit pastor bonus — Schütz, Heinrich Latin
Surrexit pastor bonus — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Surrexit Pastor Bonus — L'Heritier, Jean
Tantum ergo — Duruflé, Maurice Latin
Tantum Ergo — French, Jessica Latin
Tantum Ergo — Laloux, Fernand Latin
Tantum Ergo — Sévérac, Déodat de Latin
Tantum Ergo — Vierne, Louis Latin
Te Deum — Haydn, Joseph Latin
Te Deum in D — Haydn, (Johann) Michael Latin
Te Deum laudamus — Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Latin
Te Deum laudamus/You Are God: We Praise You — Proulx, Richard
Teach Me, O Lord — Attwood, Thomas
The Beatitudes — Hirten, John Karl
The Beatitudes — Liszt, Franz Latin
The Beatitudes — Stopford, Philip W. J.
The Blessing of the Trinity — Marshall, Jane
The Call — French, Jessica
The Eyes of All — White, David Ashley
The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee — Berger, Jean
The Eyes of All Wait upon Thee, O Lord — Harris, William H.
The Good Shepherd — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Hand of the Lord (Ecce Panis Angelorum) — Currie, Randolph Latin
The High Priestly Prayer — Modarelli, Sebastian
The King of Love My Shepherd Is — McCarthy, Michael
The Light of the Trinity — Mawby, Colin
The Lord Ascendeth Up On High — Sowerby, Leo
The Lord is My Light — Hallock, Peter R.
The Lord is My Shepherd — How, Martin
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Berkeley, Lennox
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Rutter, John
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Stanford, Charles Villiers
The Lord Is My Shepherd — Thompson, Randall
The Man Born Blind — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Peace Which Passeth Understanding — Hopkins, James F.
The Samaritan Woman — Modarelli, Sebastian
The Spirit of the Lord — Stopford, Philip W. J.
The strife is o'er — Ley, Henry
There Is No Rose of Such Virtue — Joubert, John
Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace — Wesley, Samuel Sebastian
Though We Are Many, In Christ We Are One — Proulx, Richard
Tibi laus, tibi gloria — Philips, Peter Latin
To the Divine Trinity — Sitton, Michael
Trinity — Gramann, Fred
Tu es Petrus — Duruflé, Maurice Latin
Tu es Petrus — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Tu es Petrus — Pearsall, Robert Latin
Turn Thy Face from My Sins — Attwood, Thomas
Two Hymns in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament — Conte, David Latin
Verbum Caro, Panem Verum — French, Paul M. Latin
Verily, Verily, I Say unto You — Tallis, Thomas