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Current search: Proper of Time → Advent (154 items found)
Liturgy of the Word
Five Psalms for the Communion Procession — Luckner, Brian Responsorial Psalm Communion Antiphon
Isaiah 12 - El Señor es mi Dios y mi salvador [Advent 3c] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Luke 1 - Mi espíritu se alegra en Dios, mi salvador — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 24 - Ya llega el Señor, el rey de la gloria — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 25 - Descúbrenos, Señor, tus caminos [Advent 1c] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 72 - Ven, Señor, rey de justicia y de paz — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 80 - Señor, muéstranos tu favor y sálvanos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 85 - Muéstranos, Señor, tu misericordia y danos al Salvador — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 89 - Proclamaré sin cesar la misericordia del Señor [Advent 4b] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 122 - Vayamos con alegría al encuentro del Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 126 - Grandes cosas has hecho por nosotros, Señor — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 146 - Ven, Señor, a salvarnos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Haec Dies — Handl, Jacob Propers Latin
Ad te levavi — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Entrance Antiphon Latin
Introit - Advent 2 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Advent 3 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Introit - Advent 4 — Balistreri, Joseph Entrance Antiphon
Rorate Coeli — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Entrance Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Byrd, William Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Casali, Giovanni Battista Offertory Antiphon Latin
Ave Maria — Parsons, Robert Offertory Antiphon Latin
Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for Advent (Cathedral Gradual) — Cerisier, Marc Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Advent Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Communion Antiphons for the Lenten Season — Biery, James Communion Antiphon
Ecce virgo concipiet — Byrd, William Communion Antiphon Latin
Jerusalem, Arise and Stand — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the First Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Second Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Say to the Faint of Heart — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
The Lord Will Bestow His Bounty — Clark, Richard J. Communion Antiphon
Communion Meditation for Flute and Organ - Salve Regina — Hytrek OSF, Sr. Theophane Liturgy of the Hours
A Hymn to the Virgin — Britten, Benjamin
A Maiden Mild — Healey, Derek
Adam Lay in Bondage — Susa, Conrad
Adam Lay Ybounden — Lockwood, Robert M.
Adam Lay Ybounden (2010) — Cerisier, Marc
Adam Lay Ybounden (2016) — Cerisier, Marc
Adorn Yourself, O Cavern — Busarow, Donald
Alma Redemptoris Mater — Benson, Robert Latin
Alma Redemptoris Mater — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Angelus ad Virginem — Carter, Andrew Latin
Ave generosa — Gjeilo, Ola Latin
Ave Maria — Basler, Paul Latin
Ave Maria — Brahms, Johannes Latin
Ave Maria — Bruckner, Anton Latin
Ave Maria — Busto, Javier Latin
Ave Maria — Conte, David Latin
Ave Maria — Dailey, Michael Latin
Ave Maria — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Ave Maria — Jacobs, Anna Latin
Ave Maria — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin
Ave Maria — Kingsley, Douglas J. Latin
Ave Maria — Lassus [Lasso], Orlando di Latin
Ave Maria — McDowall, Cecilia Latin
Ave Maria — Mendelssohn, Felix Latin
Ave Maria — Mouton, Jean Latin
Ave Maria — Near, Gerald Latin
Ave Maria — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Ave Maria — Stravinsky, Igor Latin
Ave Maria — Vergin, John Latin
Ave Maria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Ave Maria (I) — Dubra, Rihards Latin
Ave Maris Stella — Bardos, Lajos Latin
Ave, dulcissima Maria — Wachner, Julian Latin
Bogoroditse devo — Rachmaninoff, Sergei Church Slavonic
Canite Tuba — Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Latin
Canite tuba / Rorate coeli — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Cherry Tree Carol — Petrich, Roger
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus — Sateren, Leland B.
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People — Goudimel, Claude
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People — Stearns, Peter Pindar
Conditor alme siderum — Luckner, Brian Latin
Creator alme siderum — Gyger, Elliott Latin
Creator of the Stars of Night — Fielding, Thomas
Der englische Gruß — Brahms, Johannes German
Deutsches Magnificat: Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn — Schütz, Heinrich German
Dixit Maria — Hassler, Hans Leo Latin
E’en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come — Manz, Paul
Ecce concipies — Handl, Jacob Latin
Es ist ein Rot' entsprungen — Cashmore, Donald German
Ex Sion — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Festival Magnificat — Proulx, Richard
First Born of Creation — Petrich, Roger
Gabriel's Message (The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came) — Grogan, Robert
Hail Mary — Ferris, William
How Far Is It to Bethlehem — Paulus, Stephen
I am Alpha and Omega — Petrich, Roger
I Look from Afar — Foster, Thomas
I Look from Afar — Piccolo, Anthony
I Rejoice in the Lord — Biery, James
I Sing of a Maiden — Susa, Conrad
I Was Glad — Ferko, Frank
I Was Glad — Purcell, Henry
I Was Glad When They Said unto Me — Parry, (Charles) Hubert (Hastings)
Jerusalem gaude — Handl, Jacob Latin
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree — Mawby, Colin
Laetentur caeli — Byrd, William Latin
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence — Holst, Gustav
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Amner, John
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Mathias, William
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates — Nestor, Leo
Lo, in the Time Appointed — Willan, Healey
Lo! How a Rose E'er Blooming — Distler, Hugo
Magnificat — Buxtehude, Dietrich
Magnificat — Clausen, René
Magnificat [and Nunc Dimittis] — Child, William
Magnificat [and Nunc Dimittis] — Murrill, Herbert
May Lion and Lamb — Owen, Harold
Mercy and Truth Are Met — Rorem, Ned
Ne timeas Maria — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Nestor, Leo
O Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Tomkins, Thomas
O Sacrum Convivium — Parker, Robert W. Latin
O Thou the Central Orb — Wood, Charles
O, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem — Howells, Herbert
Of a Rose, a Lovely Rose — DeLong, Richard
Of The Father's Love Begotten — Cerisier, Marc
Out of Your Sleep — Bennett, Richard Rodney
People, Look East — Caracciolo, Stephen
Prepare the Way, O Zion — Lau, Robert
Rejoice Greatly — Willan, Healey
Rejoice in the Lord Alway — Anonymous
Rejoice in the Lord Alway (The Bell Anthem) — Purcell, Henry
Rorate caeli — Mawby, Colin Latin
Rorate Caeli — Handl, Jacob Latin
Rorate caeli desuper — Byrd, William Latin
Rorate caeli desuper — Nestor, Leo Latin
Rorate Coeli — Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Latin
Salus aeterna — Jackson, Gabriel Latin
Sans Day Carol — Caracciolo, Stephen
Savior of the Nations, Come — Near, Gerald
Sophonia — Hytrek OSF, Sr. Theophane
The Call — French, Jessica
The Morning Star — Carter, Andrew
The Spirit of the Lord — Elgar, Edward
The Spirit of the Lord — Siegfried, Kevin
The Spirit of the Lord — Stopford, Philip W. J.
The Spirit of the Lord Is upon Me — Luckner, Brian
There is No Rose — Bennett, Richard Rodney
There is No Rose — Helvey, Howard
There is No Rose — Stopford, Philip W. J.
There is No Rose of Such Virtue — Caracciolo, Stephen
There Is No Rose of Such Virtue — Joubert, John
This Is the Record of John — Gibbons, Orlando
Two Carols — Near, Gerald
Veni Redemptor gentium — Handl, Jacob Latin
Vigilate — Byrd, William Latin
When the Lord Turned Again — Batten, Adrian