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Current search: Proper of Time → The Weeks in Ordinary Time → Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (13 items found)

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Liturgy of the Word
Common Psalm - Lord, you have the words of everlasting life - Psalm 19 — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 54 - El Señor es quien me ayuda — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 113 - Que alaben al Señor todos sus siervos — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Psalm 145 - Bendeciré al Señor eternamente [OT 25a] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Petrich, Roger Communion Antiphon
Proper Communion Antiphon for the Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time — Luckner, Brian Communion Antiphon
Father of All — Callahan, Charles
Give Almes of Thy Goods — Tye, Christopher
Hic vir despiciens mundum — Victoria, Tomás Luis de Latin
Non nobis Domine — Haydn, Joseph Latin
Simile est regnum caelorum [4 voice parts] — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Simile est regnum caelorum [5 voice parts] — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Tu pauperum refugium — Josquin des Prez, [Josquin] Latin