Behold, a New Creation (Choral Score)
Publication Information:
MorningStar — MSM-80-580
A festive processional piece with a wide variety of performance options. The choral parts provide additional splendor but do not require much rehearsal. Instrumental parts for brass and/or woodwinds are available. The text from 2 Corinthians and Ephesians emphasizes new birth in Christ Jesus. Especially useful for any of the initiation rites: Roman Catholic RCIA rites, baptism, confirmation, Easter Vigil, etc. Reproducible congregational part included. Organist may play from either Choral Score of Full Score.
Organist may play from either Choral Score of Full Score.Instrumental Parts include:
Trumpets I and II in B-flat and C
Trombones I and II
Horn in F (Substitute for Trombone I)
Submitted by: John Romeri Added: Jun 14, 2023 Last updated: Jun 27, 2023