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Current search: Recent Submissions (25 items found)
Jesus Christ the Apple Tree — Mawby, Colin
Psalm 144 - Blessed the Lord, my Rock! — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Filius hominis (Communion Antiphon for the Ordination of Deacons) — Richardson, James Responsorial Psalm Propers
Psalm 84 - Antiphon for the Handing On of the Book of the Gospels — Richardson, James Propers
Psalm 100 - You are my friends, says the Lord — Richardson, James Responsorial Psalm Propers
Servants of God, Bless the Lord / Priests of God, Bless the Lord — Latona, Peter Entrance Antiphon
Psalm 145 - How good is the Lord to all — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
O Lux Beata — Todd, Will Latin
O Trinity, Most Blessed Light — Turner, C. Kenneth
Psalm 84 - SeƱor, dichosos los que viven en tu casa [Ordination] — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm Spanish
O Nata Lux de Lumine — Guimont, Michel
The Lord is My Shepherd — How, Martin
The King of Love My Shepherd Is — McCarthy, Michael
Easter Light — McDowall, Cecilia
Pascha Nostrum — Byrd, William Latin
Maria Magdalena — Guerrero, Francisco Latin
Christus Vincit — Baker, Martin Latin
Now the Green Blade Riseth — Chilcott, Bob
Victimae Paschali — Reid, Andrew Latin
Los Improperios - Pueblo mio — Cerisier, Marc Propers Spanish
Miserere Mei, Deus (Psalm 51) — Hurd, David
Blessed Be God Who Heals Us In Christ [Antiphon for the Prayer over the Oil] — Cerisier, Marc Propers
Psalm 27 - Put your hope in the Lord; take courage and be strong — Cerisier, Marc Responsorial Psalm
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep — Ledger, Philip Communion Antiphon
Tribus Miraculis — Marenzio, Luca Latin